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Blue SMEs

SMEs Fixed PriceTransparency

‘A good contract is worth gold!’
And ‘good’ does not only mean legally good, but also that it is clear, efficient and fast. No-nonsense, with explanation and instruction where necessary. To reach this, you do not only need very good lawyers, but also very good listeners. Only then can you make that really good contract. We have fixed prices for many contracts. Down below you can see a number of examples.


Short lines, our own database with contracts and advice and a specialist who can always be reached by telephone to discuss or fine-tune with you, ensure that you have an optimal contract and contact. Or an advice. Or an analysis. Or whatever you need.
That is service with a capital S, which we have been proud of since 2005!


You can have us check your contracts. Not only if there are questions, but also in advance, so that you know what you are signing or whether what you are offering your customer is correct. We can assess whether it is compliant, whether it is up-to-date, whether there are any risks. We can also discuss the negotiation strategy, for example. We always discuss it with you, so that you can immediately indicate what is most important to you and so that you can immediately ask your questions.

Fixed prices!

We use fixed prices for common contracts and advice. That way you always know where you stand. The advice is fast and direct, and depending on the product, in writing or in a personal consultation. This way you always have the certainty of sharp advice from a specialist.

Corporate law


Judgement of the verdict at first instance, the considerations of the judge and, by means of a conversation with you, an estimation of the changes and costs of appeal.

Lawsuit advice

Judgement situation and pieces and a (advice) consultation about the possibilities, approach and options. Including an estimation of costs for the procedure.

Second Opinion

A fresh pair of eyes do wonders. By means of the pieces and a conversation about analyses/advice, we provide a picture of the approach, changes, process strategy and (financial) risks.

Bankruptcy filing

The last leverage for your non-paying debtor: the application and guidance till the possible meeting of bankruptcy. € 750,- (exlc. costs court fee (€ 288,- or € 619,-) and bailiff).

Direct debit starterspackage

All the documents and advice to do your credit management and direct debit yourself in the first phase. Follow-up in case you are not paid, by a direct debit specialist from Blue Legal, at adjusted rate.

SMEs Quickscan

Analysis of legal form, (standard)contracts, general terms and conditions and business risks, including an hour-long advice consultation.

Entrepreneurs Starterspackage

Analyses corporation and risks, advice consultation + five standard documents for your company, dependent of the activities. For example, general terms and conditions, employment contract, purchase-agreement, etc.

Check general terms and conditions

Analysis and advice general terms and conditions, accounting functioning, sector, protection, etc, including advice consultation about options and possibilities.

Labor law

Arrange and/or assess employment contract

A custom work agreement, tailored to function, sector, etc, taking into account particulars as non-competition clause, IP-rights, etc.

Summary termination

Judgement of occurings, situation, correspondence and advice about approach and continuation.

Judgement non-competition clause

The analysis and judgement of the validity and strength of the non-competition clause in an employment contract, including advice consultation about options and possibilities.

Guidance/judgement Poortwachter- trajectory

The guidance of an ill employee is not difficult, unless the employee doesn’t want to or when there are special circumstances. The consequences for the employer can be expensive. A legal check for:


A check/ update of your current staff regulations.

Blue Basis

A basic staff regulations to the desires of the organization to fill in and adapt yourself , including a consultation for advice with notification, advice and tips.

Blue Plus

A staff regulations in consultation with your organization (including a check of the Collective Labour Agreement and pension). And also an advice consultation with notification and advice about application of the regulation in practice.

Blue Premium

A staff regulations in consultation with your organization (including a check of the Collective Labour Agreement and pension). And also a advice consultation with notification and advice about application of the regulation in practice. In addition, one year of assistance from the labor law specialists of Blue Legal.

Privacy and IT law

Privacy has recently become a hot item. ‘Data is the new gold’ and ‘Every company is an ICT company’ has now dawned on everyone. However, the legislation and regulations are already old and cut cake for us. The now ‘mandatory’ privacy policy can be compared to an ISO certification or the HACCP in the hospitality industry: a set of agreements and rules to guarantee responsible use.
With our strict approach and specialist experience, we determine the specific policy for your company or organization quickly and efficiently, so that you are ready on time.

We are of course happy to set up a tailor-made policy, advise you on what is and what is not allowed. In consultation we determine the scope, approach and training. We can also fulfill the role of external privacy officer.

We have developed a number of standard solutions for SMEs, which we tailor-made for your company. Whether you have a marketing agency, accountancy firm, production company, service provider or ICT company, we can realize this efficiently thanks to our experience.

Privacy Inventory

This is the basis for every SMEs-organization. Blue Legal does a thorough inventory. It will take approximately 2 hours of your time. With those data we can set up an analysis within one day time and process it in a report. This serves as the basis for the register and concrete establishment of the policy. You can work with it yourself, or together with our specialists in one of the following packages.

Inventory on location, extensive report.

Basis Privacy

The basic package builds upon the inventory, where you work on processing the inventory in the policy yourself. It contains registers, standard texts and documents an a short presentation for your employees with tips for in practice.

Privacy Standard

This also builds upon the inventory. We take care of a tailor-made privacy policy document for your organization, the required registers, contracts and documents, possibly the input of a IT-specialist enabled by Blue Legal and a informing of the employees.

Privacy Complete

The Complete-package also builds upon the inventory and unburdens you completely. It contains the above mentioned packages, besides a FAQ-subscription, a training for the responsible employee, also in agreement with you in-house. Free of charge legal GDPR-advice over the phone for a year for all first line questions is also part of the package.

Privacy as a Service

You have your own privacy manager with PaaS from Blue Legal! And what kind of one: not someone who knows your organization, who keeps your privacy policy and register up-to-date and evaluates processor agreements, but a whole team who arranges this for you, and who also has access to our library of models, statements and best practices. Besides, who can make sure your organization can certify as one of the first. In short, you are always GDPR compliant and that provides your clients certainty!

Blue Legal: Solutions first!

Only when you truly specialize, you can be the best. That is only possible if you really like your profession. Blue Legal consists of specialists, who have much pleasure in their work. Specialists, lawyers and consultants with an eye for people. That makes us different.

The world, and so is your market, is changing rapidly. Non-stop! Taking the lead, be better, winning asks for focus and courage. We support our clients with that. Our value nowadays is not what we know, but wat we can do with our specialized knowledge and experience

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+31 (0) 76 521 35 36
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Verlengde Poolseweg 40, 4818 CL Breda (NL)
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