The sector with small margins and major interests. To switch legally quick and right, it’s very important to know the mores. What are the risks? Which parties are involved? Which assurances are useless and which are strong? What is the best way to set up the international workforce? Which labor relations are possible and which are not? And how far goes the co-operation between platformisation and IT? Labor law, Collective Labour Agreements and pension play a major role in definition of the cost-price. Good contracts, terms of delivery and distribution-agreements are more often of crucial importance. Our lawyers are well aware, and in case litigating or confiscation is necessary, our lawyer can switch very fast. Because that’s what it’s often about.
Fabienne Sluimer
Marketing & Sales
Anne Peters
Privacy - Company Law - Compliance
Only when you truly specialize, you can be the best. That is only possible if you really like your profession. Blue Legal consists of specialists, who have much pleasure in their work. Specialists, lawyers and consultants with an eye for people. That makes us different.
The world, and so is your market, is changing rapidly. Non-stop! Taking the lead, be better, winning asks for focus and courage. We support our clients with that. Our value nowadays is not what we know, but wat we can do with our specialized knowledge and experience